Scheduled Services are covered under Gold, Silver and Protect Plus type of AMCs.
Coverage: Value Care Silver is a maintenance plan that guarantees savings & protection against inflation & price volatility of lubricants during the running of the Vehicle.
Value Care Silver Plan covers the following:
Scheduled maintenance services at periodic interval of Kms for Labor, Parts & Consumables. Services covered as per Tata Motors recommendation, at interval as indicated in the service schedule to the extent you are liable to pay under Free Services scheme.
* - Change of Oil Filter, Fuel Filter, Air Filter & Sedimenter.
* - Change of Engine Oil, Transmission Oil, Power steering Oil*.
* - Change of Coolant, Brake Oil & Clutch Fluid*.
* - General Check up, Wheel Alignment / Balancing.
* - Washing of Vehicle, Wheel greasing*.
Exclusion :
* - Charges of wheel balancing with weights.
* - Charges for gas filled / top-up in AC system.
* - Charges (Labor + Parts + Consumables) for any repairs not mentioned above, and not covered under schedule maintenance service.
* - Service on the basis of Month/Year elapsed.